
What is Cryotherapy?

What is Cryotherapy? What is Cryosurgery?

Cryotherapy (also known as Cryosurgery) is the application of extreme cold to destroy abnormal or diseased tissue. This non-invasive technique effectively treats skin conditions without the need for anesthesia or surgery. The process in non traumatic and less painful for your pet as well as more affordable for you. 

Benefits of cryotherapy

  • Minimal pain and discomfort
  • Non-invasive
  • Fast Recovery
  • Affordable
  • Safer than surgery, no complicated pre or post treatment care needed
  • Minimal surface trauma, no scarring

Veterinary Cryotherapy Applications

  • Canine and feline: warts, skin tags, tumors and more
  • Equine: skin tumors and eyelid tumors
  • Birds + Other Animals: Growths on the mouth, eyes and skin, tumors

How effective is cryosurgery?

Small warts and skin tumors may be cured in just one session. Other conditions like tumors may require follow up or multiple treatments. The procedure has a high success rate and is safe for animals of any age or health condition.

Tools needed: Cryosuccess Kit